The activities of the programme take place in rooms equipped with the latest technology (computers, software resources, video projectors, interactive digital image, etc.). During the translation and informatics courses every student will be provided with a computer running the appropriate software (Microsoft Office, MS Word for Windows, Excel, fast Internet access, translation memoriesDejaVu X2 (2012-2017), SDL Trados Studio 2014 Wordfast Anywhere and ACROSS, electronic monolingual and multilingual dictionaries, etc.).
Classes take place in the Informatics room of the Faculty of Philosophy (room 103, in the new building of the Faculty of Philosophy: 21 computers, 20 SDL Trados Studio 2014 floating licenses (, in the classroom of the School of French language ( (rooms 308a, in the old building of the Faculty of Philosophy: 20 computers, 2 PC Servers , 1 PC Backup Server, 1 PC Web Server, 1 Cisco Router 3600, 1 Cisco Switch 24 port, 4 3Com Switch 8 port, 1 HP Hub 16 port, 1 PowerMac G4, 3 printers, 10 Trados floating licenses) and in the classroom of the School of Italian Language (room A, semi-underground level in the new building of the Faculty of Philosophy: 10 computers, 6 floating licenses SDL Trados Studio 2014, interactive digital image, TV with DVD player, projector (
In addition to class time, students can work in the Laboratory of the Language Didactics at the School of French language (room 308b, at the building: 15 computers, 9 floating licenses SDL Trados Studio 2014/, and the Informatics room of the School of the English Language (room A, in the new wing of the Faculty of Philosophy: 14 computers). These rooms are open from 9:00 to 18:00, from Monday to Friday.
The schools participating in the programme have access to a wide range of library resources. The publicationscatalogues of the schools’ libraries, as well as of the central library of the Aristotle University ( and of other Greek and foreign libraries are all accessible online. Students have free access to the libraries of the schools that participate in the programme, as well as to the libraries of any other school of the Aristotle University and to the central library of the Aristotle University. In all these libraries a large selection of general and specialized, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries can also be found.
For the needs of the classes offered the programme has, in addition to Microsoft Office, 2 DejaVu X2 (2012-2017) translation memories and 37 Τrados licenses (SDL Trados Studio 2014). The licenses for the Microsoft products are provided by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which is subscribed to the Dreamspark for Academic Institutions of Microsoft (
The Trados licenses are allocated as follows: School of English: 20, School of French: 10, School of Italian: 6 (see the Annex 7 and
Students have equal access to translation tools, and particularly translation memory systems and terminology management tools in and out of class time. Access to the Informatics rooms of the participating schools is free.
Students have free access to the libraries of the schools that participate in the programme, as well as to the library of any other school of the Aristotle University and to the central library of the university. The library of the School of English ( has a collection of 32,000 titles covering a wide range of areas, including the English language, Anglophone literature, linguistics, translation studies and cultural sciences (room 308, in the new building of the Faculty of Philosophy). The literature department library of the School of French ( has 30,000 titles covering areas including French literature (room 10d, in the old building of the Faculty of Philosophy) and the language and translation department library of the School of French has 20,000 titles covering linguistics and translation studies (room 307, in the old building of the Faculty of Philosophy). The library of the School of German ( has almost 16,000 titles (room 314, in the old building of the Faculty of Philosophy) and the library of the School of Italian ( has almost 10,000 titles (semi-underground, in the new building of the Faculty of Philosophy). In the Faculty of Philosophy there is a library that specializes in scientific periodicals and magazines, offering almost 1,800 different titles (, as well as free access to online available periodicals and magazines (HEAL_Link, SwestsWise, JSTOR, Periodicals Archive Online). Through the central library of the University (, students also have access to bibliographic and text libraries (Scopus, Web of Science et ProQuest Central, ProQuestDissertations and Theses Full Text), to the common catalogue of all the university libraries, as well as to an inter-library loan service. In all libraries there is a large number of general and specialised monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries.